
Now that a database table and the corresponding PHP model are created, you can start using Phormium.


If you installed Phormium via Composer, just include vendor/autoload.php in your application and Phormium will be autoloaded. Afterwards, you have to configure Phormium using your configuration file.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


Alternatively, if you are not using Composer, Phormium has it’s own autoloader:

require '/path/to/phormium/src/Phormium/Autoloader.php';


Querying individual records

Fetch a single record by primary key; throws exception if it doesn’t exist.


Fetch a single record by primary key; return null if it doesn’t exist.


Check if a record exists with the given primary key.


Also works for composite primary keys:

Trade::get('2013-01-01', 123);
Trade::find('2013-01-01', 123);
Trade::exists('2013-01-01', 123);

Primary key can be given as an array:

$tradeID = array('2013-01-01', 123);

Querying multiple records

To fetch all data from a table, run:


This is shorthand for calling:


The objects() method will return a QuerySet object which is used for querying data, and fetch() will form and execute the corresponding SQL query and return the results as an array of Person objects.

Filtering data

In order to retrieve only selected rows, QuerySets can be filtered. Filters are used to consturct a WHERE clause in the resulting SQL query.

Column filters

    ->filter('birthday', '<' '2000-01-01')

This kind of filter is called a column filter since it acts on a single column of the SQL statement, and it will result in the following query:

SELECT ... FROM person WHERE birthday < ?;


Since Phormium uses prepared statements, the values for each filter are given as ? and are passed in separately when executing the query. This prevents any possibility of SQL injection.

Available column filters:

    ->filter($column, '=',  $value)
    ->filter($column, '!=', $value)
    ->filter($column, '>',  $value)
    ->filter($column, '>=', $value)
    ->filter($column, '<',  $value)
    ->filter($column, '<=', $value)
    ->filter($column, 'IN', $array)
    ->filter($column, 'NOT IN', $array)
    ->filter($column, 'LIKE', $value)
    ->filter($column, 'ILIKE', $value)  // case insensitive like
    ->filter($column, 'NOT LIKE', $value)
    ->filter($column, 'BETWEEN', array($low, $high))
    ->filter($column, 'IS NULL')
    ->filter($column, 'NOT NULL')

You can also create a column filter using the Filter::col() factory method and pass the resulting ColumnFilter object to QuerySet::filter() as a single argument.

use Phormium\Filter\Filter;

$filter = Filter::col('birthday', '<' '2000-01-01');


Filters can be chained; chanining multiple filters will AND them

    ->filter('birthday', '<', '2000-01-01')
    ->filter('income', '>', 10000)

This will create:

SELECT ... FROM person WHERE birthday < ? AND income > ?;

Raw filters

New in version 0.6.

Sometimes column filters can be limiting, since they only allow operations on a single column. Raw filters allow usage of custom SQL code in your WHERE clause. They will pass any given SQL condition into the WHERE clause.

Raw filters can be created by passing a single string into QuerySet::filter().

    ->filter("col1 > col2")

This will produce:

SELECT ... FROM table WHERE col1 > col2;

Raw filters also work with arguments, for prepared queries:

    ->filter('unit_price * quantity < ?', [100])

Which produces:

SELECT ... FROM price_list WHERE unit_price * quantity < ?;


Any string passed in as a raw filter is inserted into the resulting SQL query without any validation. This makes it easy to:

  • break a query by passing in invalid SQL
  • create queries which are platform dependent (e.g. by using database-specific functions)
  • pass in unvalidated values (use arguments instead)

Be careful.

Alternative methods of creating raw filters:

use Phormium\Filter\RawFilter;

// Either by instantiating the RawFilter class directly
$filter = new RawFilter("col1 > col2");
$filter = new RawFilter("col1 > ?", [100]);

// Or using the raw() factory method
$filter = Filter::raw("col1 > col2");
$filter = Filter::raw("col1 > ?", [100]);

// And passing it into filter()

Some use cases for raw filters:

// Conditions which don't involve any columns
Filter::raw("current_time < ?", ['16:00:00']);

// Mathematical expressions
Filter::raw("col1 * col2 / col3 < col4");

// Using SQL functions
Filter::raw("round(col1) < 0");

Composite filters

In order to create complex where clauses, Phormium provides composite filters. A composite filter is a collection of column filters joined by either AND or OR operator.

To make creating complex filters easier, two factory methods exist: Filter::_and() and Filter::_or(). These are prefixed by _ because and and or are PHP keywords and cannot be used as method names.

For example to find people younger than 10 and older than 20:

use Phormium\Filter\Filter;

$filter = Filter::_or(
    Filter::col('age', '<', 10),
    Filter::col('age', '>', 20),


This will create:

SELECT ... FROM person WHERE age < ? OR age > ?;

To make composite filters less verbose, you can use the shorthand way and pass arrays to Filter::_or() and Filter::_and().

use Phormium\Filter\Filter;

$filter = Filter::_or(
    array('age', '<', 10),
    array('age', '>', 20),

Additionally, you can use a class alias for Phormium\Filter\Filter to further shorten the syntax.

use Phormium\Filter\Filter as f;

$filter = f::_or(
    f::col('age', '<', 10),
    f::col('age', '>', 20),

Composite filters can be chained and combined. For example:

use Phormium\Filter\Filter as f;

            f::col('id', '>=', 10),
            f::col('id', '<=', 20)
            f::col('id', '>=', 50),
            f::col('id', '<=', 60)
        f::col('id', '>=', 100),

This will translate to:

    (id >= ? AND id <= ?) OR
    (id >= ? AND id <= ?) OR
    id >= ?

Lazy execution

QuerySets are lazy - no queries will be executed on the database until one of the fetch methods are called.

QuerySets are immutable. Filtering and ordering of querysets produces a new instance, instead of changing the existing one.

Therefore watch out not to do this by accident:

$qs = Person::objects();
$qs->filter('id', '>', 10); // QUERYSET NOT CHANGED

Instead do this:

$qs = Person::objects();
$qs = $qs->filter('id', '>', 10); // Better

Ordering data

QuerySets can also be ordered to determine the order in which matching records will be returned.

To apply ordering:

    ->orderBy('id', 'desc')

Ordering by multiple columns:

    ->orderBy('id', 'desc')
    ->orderBy('name', 'asc')

Fetching data

There are several methods for fetching data. All these methods perform SQL queries on the database.

Fetch methods
fetch() Fetches records as objects.
single() Fetches a single record as an object.
values() Fetches records as associative arrays (for given columns).
valuesList() Fetches records as number-indexed arrays (for given columns).
valuesFlat() Fetches values from a single column.
count() Returns the number of records matching the filter.
distinct() Returns distinct values of given columns.


Fetch all records matching the given filter and returns them as an array of Model objects.

    ->filter('birthday', '<', '2000-01-01')
    ->filter('income', '>', 10000)


Similar to fetch() but expects that the filter will match a single record. Returns just the single Model object, not an array.

This method will throw an exception if zero or multiple records are matched by the filter.

For example, to fetch the person with id = 13:

    ->filter('id', '=', 13)

This can also be achieved by the get() shorthand method:



Similar to fetch(), but returns records as associative arrays instead of objects.

Additionally, it’s possible to specify which columns to fetch from the database:

Person::objects()->values('id', 'name');

This will return:

    array('id' => '1', 'name' => 'Ivan'),
    array('id' => '1', 'name' => 'Marko'),

If no columns are specified, all columns in the model will be fetched.


Similar to fetch(), but returns records as number-indexed arrays instead of objects.

Additionally, it’s possible to specify which columns to fetch from the database:

Person::objects()->valuesList('id', 'name');

This will return:

    array('1', 'Ivan'),
    array('1', 'Marko'),

If no columns are specified, all columns in the model will be fetched.


Fetches values from a single column.

Similar to calling values() with a single column, but returns a 1D array, where values() would return a 2D array.


This will return:



Returns the number of records matching the given filter.

    ->filter('income', '<', 10000)

This returns the number of Persons with income under 10k.


Returns the distinct values in given columns matching the current filter.

    ->filter('birthday', '>=', '2001-01-01')

    ->filter('birthday', '>=', '2001-01-01')
    ->distinct('name', 'income');

The first query will return an array of distinct names for all people born in this millenium:

array('Ivan', 'Marko');

While the second returns the distinct combinations of name and income:

        'name' => 'Ivan',
        'income' => '5000'
        'name' => 'Ivan',
        'income' => '7000'
        'name' => 'Marko',
        'income' => '3000'

Note that if a single column is requested, the method returns an array of values from the database, but when multiple columns are requested, then an array of associative arrays will be returned.


The following aggregate functions are implemented on the QuerySet object:

  • avg($column)
  • min($column)
  • max($column)
  • sum($column)

Aggregates are applied after filtering. For example:

    ->filter('birthday', '<', '2000-01-01')

Returns the average income of people born before year 2000.

Limited fetch

Limited fetch allows you to retrieve only a portion of results matched by a QuerySet. This will limit the data returned by fetch(), values() and valuesList() methods. distinct() is currently unaffected.

QuerySet::limit($limit, $offset)

If a $limit is given, that is the maximum number of records which will be returned by the fetch methods. It is possible fetch will return fewer records if the query itself yields less rows. Specifying NULL means without limit.

If $offset is given, that is the number of rows which will be skipped from the matched rows.

For example to return a maximum of 10 records:


It often makes sense to use limit() in conjunction with orderBy() because otherwise you will get un unpredictable set of rows, depending on how the database decides to order them.

    ->limit(10, 20)

This request returns a maximum of 10 rows, while skipping the first 20 records ordered by the name column.

Writing data

Creating records

To create a new record in person, just create a new Person object and save() it.

$person = new Person();
$person->name = "Frank Zappa";
$person->birthday = "1940-12-21";

If the primary key column is auto-incremented, it is not necessary to manually assign a value to it. The save() method will persist the object to the database and populate the primary key property of the Person object with the value assigned by the database.

It is also possible to create a model from data contained within an array (or object) by using the static fromArray() method.

// This is quivalent to the above example
$personData = array(
    "name" => "Frank Zappa",
    "birthday" => "1940-12-21"

Updating records

To change an single existing record, fetch it from the database, make the required changes and call save().

$person = Person::get(37);
$person->birthday = "1940-12-21";
$person->salary = 10000;

If you have an associative array (or object) containing the data which you want to modify in a model instance, you can use the merge() method.

// This is quivalent to the above example
$updates = array(
    "birthday" => "1940-12-21"
    "salary" => 10000

$person = Person::get(37);

To change multiple records at once, use the QuerySet::update() function. This function performs an update query on all records currently selected by the QuerySet.

$person = Person::objects()
    ->filter('name', 'like', 'X%')
        'name' => 'Xavier'

This will update all Persons whose name starts with a X and set their name to ‘Xavier’.

Deleting records

Similar for deleting records. To delete a single person:


To delete multiple records at once, use the QuerySet::delete() function. This will delete all records currently selected by the QuerySet.

$person = Person::objects()
    ->filter('salary', '>', 100000)

This will delete all Persons whose salary is greater than 100k.

Custom queries

Every ORM has it’s limits, and that goes double for Phormium. Sometime it’s necessary to write the SQL by hand. This is done by fetching the desired Connection object and using provided methods.



Executes the given SQL without preparing it. Does not fetch. Useful for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries which do not return data.

// Lowercase all names in the person table
$query = "UPDATE person SET name = LOWER(name);
$conn = Orm::database()->getConnection('myconn');
$numRows = $conn->execute($query);

Where myconn is a connection defined in the config file.


Connection::query($query[, $fetchStyle[, $class]])

Executes the given SQL without preparing it. Fetches all rows returned by the query. Useful for SELECT queries without arguments.

  • $fetchStyle can be set to one of PDO::FETCH_* constants, and it determines how data is returned to the user. This argument is optional and defaults to PDO::FETCH_ASSOC.
  • $class is used in conjunction with PDO::FETCH_CLASS fetch style. Optional. If set, the records will be returned as instances of this class.

For more info, see PDOStatement documentation.

$query = "SELET * FROM x JOIN y ON =";
$conn = Orm::database()->getConnection('myconn');
$data = $conn->query($query);


Connection::preparedQuery($query[, $arguments[, $fetchType[, $class]]])

Prepares the given SQL query, and executes it using the provided arguments. Fetches and returns all data returned by the query. Useful for queries which have arguments.

  • $arguments is an array of values with as many elements as there are bound parameters in the SQL statement being executed. Can be ommitted if no arguments are required.
  • $fetchStyle and $class are the same as for query().

The arguments can either be unnamed:

$query = "SELET * FROM x JOIN y ON = WHERE col1 > ? AND col2 < ?";
$arguments = array(10, 20);
$conn = Orm::database()->getConnection('myconn');
$data = $conn->preparedQuery($query, $arguments);

Or they can be named:

$query = "SELET * FROM x JOIN y ON = WHERE col1 > :val1 AND col2 < :val2";
$arguments = array(
    "val1" => 10,
    "val2" => 20
$conn = Orm::database()->getConnection('myconn');
$data = $conn->preparedQuery($query, $arguments);

Direct PDO access

If all else fails, you can fetch the underlying PDO connection object and work with it as you like.

$pdo = Orm::database()->getConnection('myconn')->getPDO();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();